NEWS RELEASE (Des Moines, IA) – Mid-Iowa Council, Boy Scouts of America recently partnered with Fareway and Dean Snyder Construction for two storm shelters to be built at Mitigwa Scout Reservation. Each company committed to fully fund the cost of one storm shelter, an approximate value of $40,000.
“Our top priority is the safety of our Scouts. As the only Scout summer camp open in Iowa this year we are extremely proud that we hosted nearly one thousand boys and girls and adult leaders for an exciting and safe outdoor experience without any COVID cases,” said Matt Hill, Scout Executive /CEO of Mid-Iowa Council. “Just eight days after the last Scout troop went home the derecho devastated camp.”
“In partnership with Dean Snyder Construction, we look forward to building two storm shelters at Camp Mitigwa,” said Fareway President and CEO Reynolds W. Cramer. “This is essential for a safe camp experience for members of the Boy Scouts and we are proud to assist with this needed infrastructure.”
These two storm shelters will provide safe refuge during inclement weather with room for up to 40 people. An additional ten storm shelters are needed to sustain campers when Mitigwa is at full capacity. Individuals or companies interested in supporting the construction of storm shelters can contact Dan Gelis 515-266-2135 or visit
Established in 1923, Mitigwa has been a special place in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of young people and generations of Iowans. On August 10th, just days after our 98th summer closed, a derecho storm with hurricane-force winds severely damaged almost every building in camp. The MitigwaStrong Fund has been established to invite all who love her to give back and ensure our 99th summer will take place. Thank you on behalf of all future Scouts. Give today: