Clear Lake Surf District Streetscape Project

DSC started the Clear Lake Surf District Streetscape Project in conjunction with the new Music Enrichment Immersive Center at the Surf. The project involves the construction of a large over-the-road gateway feature at the north end of Buddy Holly, masonry piers, new roadway lighting, electrical work, storm sewer upgrades, new paving for roads and pedestrian plazas, and other site improvements along Buddy Holly Place, North Shore Drive, and 7th Avenue North, all around the Surf Ballroom. It also includes adding new plantings and brick paver sidewalks across the roads, with fresh brickwork in front of the Surf. The center median along Buddy Holly will be removed to create side street parking on both sides. We’ll also be installing a small paver park at the north end.

The project is slated for completion by May 31, 2025.